Work Week 9-11: 4.29.2022 - 5.13.2022

Ok, ok, ok ok. I have fallen behind a lot on this update. It's been crazy, I've been overwhelmed. It's gotten to the point where some times I check my Teams before I sleep around midnight then figured it'd be best if I send messages to my offshore team around what I am expecting for our morning daily stand-up. Every day is work work work. My mind is boggled. The existential crisis is real.
General Updates
- Kicked off IdeaLab. I've been commuting into the office at least once a week (avg. 2x week) as I am now leading the events + attending our experience. design sessions so that staffs have exposure and can ask me questions around IdeaLab/Digital Emerging Technologies Practice
- Continued to build out the tech stack for the Metaverse and began research around overall Metaverse challenges we may face (VR, AR, cryptocurrency, etc.)
- Attended internal Metaverse conference with leadership across multiple practices to understand what projects or initiatives have been done.
- Potential that I am not rolling off this project early and will end up leading the entire front-end of this project. Big responsibilities, big stress.
- Closed out Sprint 6.4 and working to finalize work effort estimates around pending work for 6.5.
- Continued conversation around concerns over resourcing, completing on time, fitting in all the work that's in Systems Integration Testing as well as the sprint goals planned out. I'm in progress of working with other teams to make sure we can trade resources. Just general project and product management shindig, getting everything past the finish line.
- Had my end of year review with my counselor. We've both agreed I will be trying for my manager promotion next year.
- Continuing to study for my AI-900 exam, as I will be taking it in less than a month. Sheeeeeeeeeeesh
- ok that's about it, back to work. So long. Good bye. Til next time.. (T⌓T)