

Hi! I'm Vicky. I'm an American born Taiwanese who was raised in upstate NY.

I'm in my mid-20s with over 5 years of experience as a technology consultant. My current title is Senior Technical Product Management. I am a manager at Ernst & Young.

At a young age, I was extremely passionate about PC gaming (10 hours/day kind of passionate). Growing up I didn't know about technology as a career nor did I know where to find such resources. However, I stumbled into my Information, Sciences and Technology major and minored in Security Risk and Analysis.

I've created this website to document my life journey (specifically my career and aspirations) and self-reflection.

Personality Type

ESTJ-A, 8w7

Words Per Minute Typing Speed

120+ WPM


Cooking, Video games, Plants (Mainly aroids), Fish-keeping, Shrimp-keeping, Drawing

2023 Goals

  • Professional Goal: Improve product management skillset through certifications or professional experience
  • Financial Goal: Learn more about personal investment and spend wisely
  • Technical Skills: Either take on Python coding or Figma/Blender as a skill on the side
  • Physical Health: Consistency with fitness (Pilates/Rock climbing)
  • Progress Review: Consistency with this website
  • Mental Health: Improve pottery or find new creative classes to take (glassblowing, claymaking, figure drawing)
  • Overall Goal: Get out more whether it is traveling to a new country or socializing. Reduce the time I stay at home
  • Stretch Goal: If possible, pursue an art degree :-)