2022 Goal Recap & 2023 Goals

2022 Goal Recap & 2023 Goals
DC Arboretum bonsai collection

For 2022, I had set out a few goals of:

  • Cast a wide net on new hobbies and potential multi-income streams
  • Reduce what is in my room (clothes, knick knacks, rare plants I don't like anymore)
  • Get 3 certifications
  • Fitness is passion
  • Improve usage of Figma
  • Consistency with this website!

I'm happy to say that I did accomplish a few of these goals.

  • This year I had earned 3 certifications: AI-900, AZ-900, SAFe 5 Product Owner/Manager
  • I have reduced my rare plant collection and sold off most of my common plants
  • I have signed up for a monthly subscription for rock climbing and have been regularly doing pilates
  • I have also tried out pottery class (unfortunately it was booked out before I could sign up for the next set of class)

Although I didn't hit all my goals I am happy with my progress. It has been a tough year where I dealt with burn out for the first time and found ways to reduce stress through partaking pottery classes and other side hobbies.

With the new year, my 2023 goals will include:

  • Professional Goal: Improve product management skillset through certifications or professional experience
  • Financial Goal: Learn more about personal investment and spend wisely
  • Technical Skills: Either take on Python coding or Figma/Blender as a skill on the side
  • Physical Health: Consistency with fitness (Pilates/Rock climbing)
  • Progress Review: Consistency with this website
  • Mental Health: Improve pottery or find new creative classes to take (glassblowing, claymaking, figure drawing)
  • Overall Goal: Get out more whether it is traveling to a new country or socializing. Reduce the time I stay at home
  • Stretch Goal: If possible, pursue an art degree :-)
Hits a lot of points I resonate with such as persevereance, flexibility, resilience and trying new things