Work Week 2: 3.11.2022

Work Week 2: 3.11.2022

A little late due to vacation!


  • Continued to review and update the Common Data Model, UI, DAML and payload entity mapping.
  • Continued to make sure all user stories had the latest data attributes and DAML. (Long, manual process)


  • Held a longer daily stand-up as team and I blasted our product manager one last time on all the questions we had last week before he rolls off the project, HAHA.
  • This is the first time I've worked with someone for over a year. Usually my projects only last 3 months. Teared up as I thanked him for all his mentoring and support. :'(
  • Lead the first metaverse conversation to see who in our innovations group was interested in helping with the proposal.
  • Spoke about how I dabbled in Axie Infinity. (Thank you Axie Infinity, really didn't think you'd help my career HAHA)
  • Divided slides on the research done around Chatbot and industry trends for next week's emerging technologies huddle.


  • Held another client workshop but with support of my manager around standardizing our data attributes.
  • Updated all user stories to reflect proper changes with the finalized data attributes. Super loooonnnggg and manual effort.
  • Reviewed and addressed any defects/bugs leftover.


  • Worked half-day. Made sure team was aligned with what is left to be done for SIT. Answered any additional questions.
  • Picked up some free plant cuttings and chopped it up for propagation hehe
  • Off to Paris!


  • First time in Europe! WOOOHOOOOo
  • Too excited and couldn't sleep at all. Proceeded to sleep for 6 hours once at the hotel.
  • Eating pastries and croissants is really killing my stomach. But I LOVE IT.

Improvements within the Week:

  • Learning to become more independent, manage others, and not second-guess my decisions.
  • You can say starting from this week, I have been officially promoted to "Product Manager". With the added-on responsibilities of product analyst and scrum master. Whew.

Next Week:

  • Enjoy Paris. Buy as much French goods for the family as possible.
  • Eat all the basic French cuisines. Try not to poop myself from all the coffee, butter, sugar, carbs, etc.
  • Try not to think of work as I see all the emails and chats come in whenever I get wifi.
  • First week as an INDEPENDENT product manager. Oh baby