Work Week 1: 3.4.2022

Work Week 1: 3.4.2022

What a week to begin.


  • Day 1 filling in for my product manager.
  • Feature Timeline discussed with the client for the next phases of work.
  • Quietly listened as most of the work we've already updated/completed on Azure DevOp's Feature Timeline.
  • Bad Habit: Slept @ 2AM; played too much Battlegrounds mobile


  • Passed AZ900: Azure Fundamentals exam last week on Wednesday, now I am signed up for AI900: Azure AI Fundamentals.
  • Do I take the Azure Intermediate because I already took Azure Fundamentals? I am using DevOps for work anyways...
  • Nevermind, keeping the AI. AI is cool to me.
  • Bad Habit: Slept @ 2AM; played too much Battlegrounds mobile


  • Received assistance around UI, DAML and payload entity mapping in preparation for our System Integration Testing.
  • I miss my product manager. :'|
  • But I am the product manager now so... It's been a day of learning.
  • Bad Habit: Slept @ 2AM; played too much Battlegrounds mobile (ok I need to stop)


  • First in-person monthly huddle in months that I went to. First time in ages having dinner with coworkers.
  • Discussed Metaverse trends. Explained to my Executive Creative Director what Axie Infinity is. Touched upon how early adopters of cryptocurrency are those looking for passive income, another stream of income, or even gamers. Plenty of gamification going on.
  • Further dinner discussion around what else we can do to improve our internal product management/UX program for new staffs.
  • Came home, passed out snoring on the carpet with my rabbits laying on top of me.
  • Crawled into bed around 1AM. No Battlegrounds mobile.
  • Bad Habit: Forgot what it's like to talk to coworkers. Rambling and accidentally cutting people off. (It's been too long)


  • Team mentioned they need to work on the weekends due to tight deadlines. Didn't what to say so I said, "Oh no... I'm sorry. If it makes you feel better...I too will be working on the weekends ha ha haaaa"
  • First time I have fully facilitated a client workshop. Sweated a lot, Senior Manager supported me when technical questions were asked. Everything went well. (1 of 2 workshops completed!)
  • Unfortunate not too much time to work on the website, work piling up around UI and payload entity mapping. Need to get everything out to give direction for my QA and dev team.
  • Given the opportunity to lead a small team for the Metaverse trends and  insights.
  • Back to work :'(
  • Things to work on: Motivate team members, don't drag them into my own doom and gloom. Empathy.

Improvements within the Week:

  • Set up new certification path.
  • Getting better at motivating team and throwing in small anecdotes.
  • Social awkardness still there. Getting better. Perhaps it's imposter syndrome.
  • Fundamental understanding of syndicated loans is growing.
  • Replacing obsessively staring at Facebook Groups: NYC Plant Exchange/NYC Plant Community - Rare & Uncommon BST  to listening to more motivational/self-finance videos.
  • Received more managerial roles.

Next Week:

  • Product Manager comes back until Wednesday and then rolls off the project.
  • I go on vacation to France on Wednesday (awful timing, I know).
  • Receive final feedback and knowledge transfer to be fully-fledged product manager for my project.