Ok, ok.. I've been slacking

Ok, ok.. I've been slacking
My latest Philodendron white knight tricolor edition that I bought. Gorgeous colors, I'm so proud of him. 

My project wrapped up late July and then I went on vacation. Honestly it's been a good mental break that I really needed.

The latest in my life is that I have helped manage a request for proposal for another financial service client. Besides that I'm just taking life slowly.

Key Life Updates:

  • I've finally built a standing desk (with the help of friends)
  • I'm starting to clean up my room
  • I was able to sell some of my plants that have been piling up. I've also traded/bought some nice ones :)
  • A lot of people have been moving in my building so my roommate and I have been keeping a good eye out on the garbage/recycle area
  • We upgraded our coffee table AND dining table. I also found good plant materials (pots, misters)
  • Now I need to sell our old furniture for cheap hehe
  • I also finally hit platinum ranked in League of Legends again after hitting promos 5x... Like..Why.. Why has this season been so difficult for no reason??
  • I'm going to another plant swap this weekend!

More to come in the future.